Laramie Montessori PTO

Welcome to the Laramie Montessori Parent Teacher Organization page! come to our meetings We are also on Facebook! Search for our Facebook Page or click on the Facebook link below!

PTO By-Laws

PTO Meetings 2022-2023

Welcome to our PTO page! Leslie Warta is our Interim President as we get reorganized. We meet once a month in person at LMCS or on Zoom at the link below.

Thank you for all your work providing games and activities and attending our Fall Festival! It was a great success!

Topic: LMCS P.T.O. Zoom Meeting

Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 992 9717 2647

Passcode: 031501

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,99297172647# US (San Jose)

+17193594580,,99297172647# US

PTO Announcements and Projects

LMS PTO Facebook Page

For more updates and times join our Facebook Page!

PTO Officers

Interim President

Leslie Warta

Accepting applications!

Vice President

Accepting applications!


Accepting applications!


Accepting applications!

For information on the duties of each office please read below:

Official Duties of each PTO Office


The President shall:

a. Serve as the principal executive officer of the organization and, in general, supervise and control all of the activities of the organization. In executing these duties, the President shall be subject to the control of the Executive Board and general membership;

b. Serve as a member of the Executive Board and preside at and fully participate in all meetings of the Executive Board and all meetings of the membership;

c. Select and appoint the chairpersons of all Special Committees, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, and serve as an ex-officio member of all committees of the organization.

d. Coordinate the work of the Executive Board in order that the purposes of the Board may be promoted.

Vice President

The Vice President shall:

a. Serve as an exofficio member of their respective committees and fully participate in all meetings of the Executive Board and all meetings of the membership;

b. Coordinate the work of their respective committees in order that the purposes may be promoted.

c. Keep the official copy of the organization’s Bylaws in PTO files;

d. Conduct delegated correspondence.


The Treasurer shall:

a. Serve as a member of the Executive Board;

b. Have charge of and be responsible for all funds of the organization;

c. Provide Committee Chairs with the approved budget and notify the Committee Chairs of any budget changes;

d. Receive and give receipts for monies due and payable to the organization from all sources;

e. Deposit such funds to Laramie Montessori School or other such organizations as are selected by the Executive Board;

f. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board, or membership in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership;

g. Collect all membership dues as established by the organization;

h. Present a written financial report at each Regular Meeting of the membership, during Executive Board meetings and at other times as requested by the Executive Board;

i. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the President or Executive Board;


The Secretary Shall:

a. Keep the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and the Executive Board and post these minutes and referenced attachments to the PTO Facebook page and website;

b. Maintain the Montessori PTO newsletter and other PTO social media accounts;

c. Establish style guide and approve flyers (virtual and print) that will be disseminated to Voting Members;

d. Prepare agendas for upcoming “Regular Meetings” and Executive Board meetings.

PTO Meeting Minutes

PTO Kick-Off Meeting

Montessori PTO Meeting Notes

The Parent/Teacher Organization of Laramie Montessori School is proud to be able to help support our school, staff, and students! Please make this possible by donating as much as you feel you can by clicking on the Donate button below. With your donations, you make what we do possible!

PTO-Laramie Montessori School